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IV Cocktails

Ageless Perfection Medical Aesthetics

Myers’ Cocktail IV Therapy Helps with Various Medical Conditions

Send nutrients where you needed most

Myers Cocktail

Many people are turning to Myers cocktails as a popular intravenous therapy option. Dr. John Myers was the visionary pioneer behind this vitamin and mineral treatment. Originally formulated to treat a variety of clinical conditions, including fatigue, fibromyalgia, and muscle spasms, the Myers cocktail has since been adopted by healthcare providers to meet the specific needs of their patients.

Although the original formula can be quite effective, tailored versions of the treatment provide personalized care and may yield even better results.

All You Wanted to know

What Ingredients Are Included in a Myers Cocktail?

The Myers cocktail, which is a popular choice among IV cocktails, contains several key ingredients. These include:

- Vitamins: Vitamin C, B-Complex Vitamins, and Vitamin B12

- Calcium: This mineral supports strong bones and can help regulate the heartbeat.

- Magnesium: Known to be stored in muscles, bones, and soft tissues, magnesium helps to alleviate fatigue and muscle spasms, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and reduce the occurrence of migraines.

- Zinc: This essential mineral assists in boosting the immune system and preventing health issues that can arise from deficiency.

- Glutathione: A powerful antioxidant that is found naturally in the body, glutathione contributes to a healthy immune system while also aiding in the prevention of cancer, cystic fibrosis, HIV, and aging.

- Saline Solution: All the components of the Myers cocktail are mixed in an IV bag that consists of normal saline.

Depending on the infusion a patient is receiving, additional components might also be included. To meet their patients' particular requirements, healthcare providers frequently adjust, vary, augment, or remove specific vitamins and minerals in order to devise a tailored treatment for their precise objectives.

A Myers cocktail IV treatment can provide great benefits to individuals with weakened immune systems or those who suffer from diseases that negatively affect their immune resilience due to its generous amount of antioxidants, nutrients, and other immune-boosting factors.

Research has demonstrated that the Myers cocktail could potentially aid individuals who:

    • suffer from low energy levels,
    • engage in athletic activities,
    • experience chronic fatigue,
    • need intravenous hydration, s
    • eek relief from hangover or withdrawal symptoms,
    • and deal with depression or anxiety.

Based on studies and evaluations of the Myers cocktail, it has been observed that most patients tolerate vitamin and mineral-based cocktails well. This is due to the intravenous administration of the treatment, which enables higher concentrations of vitamins to be absorbed directly by the body rather than being processed through the digestive system. This results in optimal bioavailability of essential nutrients.

Receiving a Myers cocktail has been shown to provide health benefits for many patients. Magnesium, in particular, has been found to reduce the risk of or prevent conditions such as asthma attacks, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular diseases, fibromyalgia, chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infections, migraines, and more. Additionally, pairing magnesium with vitamin B may enhance efficacy for individuals with cardiovascular diseases.

Studies indicate that vitamin B6 (up to 50 mg per day) and B12 may also alleviate muscle weakness commonly associated with hyperthyroidism. Those experiencing acute muscle spasms, poor sleep patterns, or high-stress levels may have a magnesium deficiency that could be corrected through intravenous treatment to optimize magnesium levels.

The Myers cocktail IV treatment necessitates a qualified healthcare practitioner to administer it intravenously. The duration of treatment varies from 30-90 minutes, depending on the infusion rate and bag volume. Typically, patients experience little or no discomfort throughout the process. The IV administration includes seating the patient, placing a tourniquet on their upper arm, and sterilizing the insertion point. A small butterfly catheter needle is then inserted into the vein, with medical tape holding it in place as the IV bag is attached.

Why not consider taking the same vitamins orally? It is essential to note that when vitamins are ingested orally, the digestive system may not fully absorb them.

Many of these vitamins can disturb the digestive tract and are safe to take in limited amounts, thus restricting the amount of vitamins that can be absorbed.

The ideal treatment schedule for intravenous nutrient therapy depends on the patient and healthcare practitioner's discretion. For some patients, one IV treatment per week over the course of three weeks may yield the best results. Others experiencing severe fatigue or persistent migraines may require two treatments per week. In certain cases, individuals benefit from occasional treatments every three to four months to boost immune function.

If a patient is suffering from an ailment, administration of frequent IV doses may be necessary, eventually tapering down to a monthly usage once their condition stabilizes. Regardless of frequency, dosage, or mixture, Ageless Perfection Medical Aesthetics IV cocktails are adaptable and can be tailored to meet each patient's individual needs.

Common side effects of a Myers cocktail are mild and generally consist of typical IV side effects such as discomfort, lightheadedness, and the possibility of experiencing a vasovagal reaction, including fainting.

IV magnesium infusions are known to oftentimes cause a sensation of warmth or flushing on the skin, typically on the chest, pelvic or facial region. Fortunately, this effect is typically well-tolerated and not uncomfortable for the patient. In some cases, calcium infusions may also produce similar effects.

Although generally safe, it's important to note that magnesium can effectively lower blood pressure and therefore, there is a rare possibility of hypotension. Patients should immediately inform their healthcare provider if they experience unusual sensations such as feeling excessively hot or lightheaded, as these could be early warning signs of hypotension.

IV treatments can elicit different reactions depending on the individual receiving them. In the case of the first treatment, it is usually advisable for a prescriber to administer a dose between 500-1,000 mg of magnesium before deciding on a higher dose. This is especially crucial for elderly patients. Patients may exhibit reactions within the first 10-30 seconds of treatment. Once the patient demonstrates they can tolerate the treatment, the practitioner can proceed to adjust the dose as necessary.

Combining magnesium and potassium may lead to complications in some people. Magnesium can trigger an intracellular uptake of potassium, which can result in hypokalemia and cramping that may last several hours after infusion. Additionally, combining magnesium with digoxin could pose a minimal risk of cardiac arrhythmias.

Although the risk is not common, there is a slight possibility of arrhythmias occurring in a few patients if thiamine is administered as part of the Myers' cocktail infusion along with magnesium. It's worth considering that the body naturally increases the excretion of excess vitamins. Therefore, patients with kidney issues or those undergoing dialysis may not require the same level of vitamins as a person with healthy kidneys, and their treatment should be adjusted accordingly by their healthcare provider.

The popularity of vitamin infusions has spread from partygoers to celebrities who sing praises of its health benefits, energy boosts, anti-aging properties, hangover remedies, and more. However, many are skeptical about the effectiveness of IV therapy.

According to some healthcare professionals, the body will retain only the necessary vitamins, filtering out any excess through the kidneys. Thus, highly potent vitamin IVs may not be beneficial. However, patients with compromised kidney function may have difficulty absorbing adequate amounts of vitamins, and cautious consideration must be given by their doctors when prescribing IV therapy.

Numerous studies and reviews have shown that the Myers cocktail can contribute to overall wellness, immune function, and energy levels. Sufficient vitamin levels are also critical to maintaining optimal health, as many studies have demonstrated. As a result, most healthcare workers conclude that the benefits of vitamin infusions outweigh the potential side effects.

Immune Booster

If you’re looking to boost your recovery from an illness, the common cold, or the flu, speed up post-surgery or injury recovery, strengthen your immune system against seasonal ailments, and replenish vital nutrients and electrolytes, the Immune Booster IV drip is an excellent recourse. This IV cocktail packs an incredible amount of vitamin C, which acts as a potent antioxidant and promotes tissue regeneration. Vitamin C is critical to the immune system and immune cell production, and high doses of it have been shown to help fight off viruses and diseases.

Incorporating essential minerals like zinc and magnesium into your diet is crucial for maintaining a fully functioning immune system, as they also help to expedite recovery times and decrease inflammation. Glutathione acts as a powerful antioxidant by counteracting the effects of oxidation, repairing damaged cells, and invigorating the immune system. The addition of N-Acetylcysteine to this IV cocktail formula enhances lung capacity while simultaneously reinforcing the immune system. Furthermore, selenium, B-complex, calcium, and trace minerals add nutrients that strengthen your immune system, stimulate collagen production, and replenish vital nutrients. With the inclusion of a 25,000iu Vitamin D3 shot, an essential vitamin that bolsters immune function and recovery, this immune boost IV therapy package is unparalleled.

Migraine/Pain Infusion

Migraines are a type of intense headache that often reoccurs and affect around 12% of the population in the United States. It’s not fully understood what triggers this type of headache, but it’s believed that genetic factors may be involved.

Migraines are characterized by a throbbing pain felt on one or both sides of the head, nausea and vomiting, increased sensitivity to light and sound, and an increase in pain during physical activity. Migraine with aura is another type that is also fairly common. It is characterized by sensory disruptions that occur before the headache begins, leading to confusion and visual disturbances such as seeing flashing lights or zigzag lines.

Migraine headaches can occur with no prior warning, but they can also be triggered by various factors such as emotional stress, anxiety, depression, shock, fluctuating hormonal levels due to menstruation, consumption of certain food or drinks like alcohol and caffeine, overexertion, poor sleep, low blood sugar level or other physical issues, environmental factors (e.g. flickering lights, loud noises, pungent odors), and technology-related habits like extended screen time or poor posture without ergonomic support.

Typically, there are four phases of a migraine attack:

Prodrome: This phase acts as a precursor to the actual migraine attack and can last for days or hours.

Aura: The vision problems such as blind spots, and blurry vision symptoms indicating the onset of a migraine occurs either before or during the headache phase.

Headache: During this phase, the pain affects one or both sides of the head and can last for several hours to a few days. Along with this, you might also experience nausea, sound and light sensitivity, and insomnia.

Postdrome: After the headache stage, your body may experience lingering migraine effects such as mental haziness, tiredness, and body aches.

Severe migraines can be incapacitating, however, there are various treatment options available. The treatment can include both preventative measures and methods to handle the symptoms.

For individuals seeking relief from migraines or pain, we highly recommend our migraine/pain cocktail IV, which contains a saline solution infused with key ingredients known to alleviate migraine symptoms:

Vitamin B complex and B12: With research backing its efficacy in reducing the severity of migraines with aura, vitamin B12, and other B vitamins are often used to prevent migraine attacks.

Magnesium: Those who suffer from migraines with aura have found relief in intravenous magnesium sulfate administration. Though it may not alleviate pain or nausea for those without aura, magnesium can reduce sensitivity to sound and light and even prevent future migraines when taken regularly.

Toradol (ketorolac): Unlike over-the-counter NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, Toradol is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medication that has a stronger impact on severe migraines.

Zofran (ondansetron): For individuals experiencing nausea and vomiting associated with migraines, the anti-nausea medication Zofran can be highly effective.

Hangover IV Drip

The morning after a few too many drinks can be unpleasant. As the alcohol works its way through your body, your organs work to break it down and eliminate the toxins. Hangovers can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days, but most people don’t have that much time to recuperate from a night out.

Our IV drip therapy is specifically designed to tackle the most common hangover symptoms. Our formula rehydrates your body and provides essential nutrients and electrolytes to help alleviate headaches, nausea, dehydration, fatigue, weakness, and even irritability and anxiety. Trust us to help you recover quickly and feel better in no time.

We have designed our hangover IV therapy to offer optimal treatment. The package for the hangover drip includes:

IV fluid: An optimal way to steer clear of a hangover when consuming alcohol is to keep yourself hydrated. Alcoholic beverages can deter your body’s fluid intake capabilities and even function as a dehydrating agent. This results in the speeding up of liquids passing through your system without proper absorption. The IV fluids we offer have a blend of saline and electrolytes that assist in restoring your body’s lost water levels, greatly aiding in eliminating symptoms like dry mouth and headaches.

Vitamin B complex: Vitamin B complex is a combination of essential nutrients that are crucial for maintaining normal brain and metabolic functions. These vitamins are water-soluble, which means they are stored in water. When you drink alcohol and become dehydrated, you may also deplete your body with these important vitamins. By boosting your levels of riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and folic acid, you can help your brain fight through the post-drinking fog and think more clearly.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, belonging to the B complex group, and is essential for maintaining high energy levels. However, the challenge with this vitamin is that it is difficult to absorb when taken orally and goes through the digestive system. To get the maximum benefits of vitamin B12, an IV infusion is the best way to go.

Glutathione: Glutathione is a crucial ingredient in our drip, especially when it comes to combating hangovers. By breaking down the toxins left behind by alcohol, glutathione directly aids in the detox process. Additionally, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce discomfort caused by the after-effects of drinking. Unfortunately, excessive drinking can deplete your body’s natural glutathione supply, resulting in a prolonged recovery period. However, receiving an extra dose of glutathione through our IV cocktails can help reduce the duration of hangover symptoms and alleviate pain.

Anti-nausea and vomiting medication: If you’ve ever had one too many drinks, you know how unpleasant nausea and vomiting can be. Our cocktails contain anti-nausea and vomiting medication that works by blocking signals in your nervous system that may cause stomach upset, providing you with relief as you recover from your hangover.

Anti-inflammatory, headache, and pain medication: This medication is designed to prevent the production of inflammatory substances in your body and block pain receptors, leading to relief from headaches and pain that can impact your day-to-day functioning.


Beauty Mix

IV beauty treatments have been available since the 1950s but were limited only to the elites like movie stars and celebrities. The advancements in technology and affordability have now made IV beauty treatments accessible to the general public.

When it comes to vitamins, direct bloodstream application is more potent than oral intake. Ingested vitamins have to pass through the digestive system before they are absorbed into the bloodstream, a process that is time-consuming and met with some difficulties in vitamin digestion. Additionally, valuable substances are often lost as waste.

Our IV beauty treatment is specifically designed to eliminate harmful free radicals that form in your body during the metabolism of food. These free radicals can dull your appearance, but our IV infusion can effectively counteract their effects, leaving you with a radiant and lustrous look that is perfect for any special occasion. With quick and noticeable results, our IV infusion therapy is the perfect way to get ready for any big event on your calendar. Make an appointment with us today to experience the beauty-enhancing benefits of our IV treatment.




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